Comment a funniest joke you know, and earn a prize
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YESTERDAY'S WINNER:- chose from the pole I am confused (prize 93 stas)


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Everyday -by @Beast_Vstar
2 votes \ poll ended
Two hunters are out looking for pheasant when they come upon the local farmer's daughter, sitting naked on a fence, sunning herself. The first hunter asks,'Are you game?' She replies,'I sure am, Honey!' So the second hunter shoots her.
Bro didn't you voted for your self even no vote for you bro , why . . . Justice for @Lucypher
tough sportsmanship ;(
Is there anything worse than when it’s raining cats and dogs? . . . . Yes, hailing taxis.
Vote for others then people will vote for you ☺️
And zap more for more prize 🏆