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I think there is room to care even more about the streak.
I floated an idea early on in my @sn journey to make the hat part of the dress code required to enter the stacker saloon. It was abruptly shut down by @natalia.
Yet it lingers in my mind, conceptually, as a compelling way to reward streakers. I am coming back to this idea with a more nuanced approach: If the streak length is a parameter that can be used for admission to a territory that is impassable until 10, 100, 200, <insert parameter> days, it seems that this would add to the mystique and value of maintaining the hat and gate keep the space to the more dedicated. In the eventuality that @sn scales and becomes wildly successful, an idea like this may gain more traction to reduce the noise. Who knows, making the hat the key to hidden treasures might play its role in helping @sn scale. It would certainly support the economics of it. Thoughts?
this territory is moderated
how about making your work so great that you don't need to have a hat to be remembered or stand out; enjoy being around when you feel like to instead of being forced to be around every day. 🤔
POW > hat.
PoW is great. I don't think making the hat open a door forces anyone to do anything. More like unlocking a key. Some places require a dress code after all.