Thank you for all your guides, they were really helpful when I was trying to figure things out. Now I have a reason to go back and 👀.
@DarthCoin did you set up dummies?
@DarthCoin that was a wild 24 hours. 2 poems, 4 empty wallets, and endless insanity. that was really fun! legit, first bitcoin hole type of fun and insanity. that said, i'm going to bow out. I usually don't like being in a creed hole for more than a day. I appreciate you madness.
to be clear to everyone, darthcoin didn't just leave some bitcoin for people to find. they set up a labyrinth to make you question what you are doing with you time. every thread you pull is set up for you to lose track of where you were. that or i am not smart enough to grasp what i was doing in the first place.
find out for yourself puppets.