“bitcoin has caught the attention imagination of many people“ “we think bitcoin is real“
Lol… ya this stood out to me. I mean… how long has it been?
Interesting to look back at this considering Blackrocks recent moves into Bitcoin
Very bullish for BTC... like maybe one of the most bullish things that has happened recently. Bigger deal than a retail spot ETF.
It doesn't seem obviously better to a retail spot ETF to me, but it is a huge deal given how bloated BlackRock is.
Having a clear runway for institutions to put BTC on their books is huge.
A spot ETF so big for 401ks/IRAs…for retail exposure.
We need both…
Is this to compte with that other paper shitcoin Gbtc?
"Does it change the need for dollar reserve as a reserve currency if there was a true digital currency"? Is it because Blackrock CEO thinks the answer to his question is yes why they have launched a Bitcoin private trust?
So much for being "an index of money laundering", eh?