It's become increasingly clear to me that the customary political dominance of certain parts of the maxi narrative is nearing its end. I take this as a good sign. The "pure" ideologies of whatever stripe -- Libertarianism not excepted -- can't survive contact with the real world without losing their purity. The religious faithful then decry the leader[s], whoever it is or whoever they are, as failing the purity test, however that manifests. It's a cycle as old as time.
But what is really being revealed is that the world is fucking complicated. You might engineer a brief stability in a small collective, or in a somewhat larger collective, if you can make certain assumptions about shared context.
But at scale, in real life? Nope.
Btc has reached -- or is shortly to reach -- the point where it has to function in a complicated reality, serving various ends; or else die. Unlike many, I hold the prospect of it dying [1] to still be substantial. If it doesn't die, a bunch of people, including many around here, are going to be disabused about the nature of complex systems before all is done.
[1] dying in this case doesn't mean zero people running nodes, it means being largely irrelevant in the wider schemes of society, with the corresponding cratering in price that comes with that.
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the customary political dominance of certain parts of the maxi narrative is nearing its end. I take this as a good sign.
WRONG -- bitcoin is transitioning into Eternal September -- just because there are a lot of you retarded normies, doesn't mean you can do anything to change reality. It is actually you commies who haven't learned who bitcoin is going to crush your ideologies... you are very very confused about things -- bitcoin's impact on the world today is rather minute, you have seen less than 1% of how the world will reshape itself now that bitcoin exists.
You rely on metaphors because you have trouble contending with reality, the same sorts of metaphors you use to make yourself feel ok in being complicit in crimes against humanity. Luckily, bitcoin is hard code and raw thermodynamics/physics, not subject to your "feelings" and how you "rationalize" about the nature of things.