This really sounds a lot like the classic describe the status quo when saying why your alternative wouldn't work.
His description of Jim crow south is pretty flawed as well. The state enforced these rules. Of course the people held them but not all. Enough did to keep these laws in place. Those that went against them paid a social price as well as a legal price. Now we have to remember that slavery and these laws clearly violate the constitution. Yet they persisted. Its almost like culture is the real battlefront. If you live in a racist culture the state will be racist. Really bad arguments to me.
this territory is moderated
Well the culture is eventually downstream of the technology. The industrial revolution guaranteed slavery would come to an end.
As I recently argued, it is clear that increasing technological advancement will have a tendency to reduce war, leaving fiat vs bitcoin impact aside.
It would seem that "good" behavior is correlated to broad technological advancement and material wealth.