Would you say that you inherited your artistic side from your dad?
My dad is quite simply the best man I've ever met. He had a very difficult childhood, with a very cruel father. He never really had an opportunity to go to school and pursue his dream of being an engineer, until he was older than I am now. He had always worked very difficult construction jobs and his body was paying the price for it. I think my mom encouraged him to go school to pursue his lifelong engineering dream.
Instead of pursuing his dream, though, he became a math teacher and intentionally took a job in the poorest school, so that he could help the neediest kids. It was more important to him that other kids get a chance at their dreams.
I don't know how many times I've run into one of his former students and they ask if I'm related to him when they learn my name. They're so appreciative of the way he was tough with them but also dedicated to their success.
I would say we share a facility for languages but he is superior in Mandarin ofc since he was Chinese-educated.
Perhaps your dad’s difficult childhood buttressed him against the pressures of the education system and helped him focus on helping his kids. It’s amazing that he kept his heart open throughout his life’s trials
It’s amazing that he kept his heart open throughout his life’s trials
I actually think it's even more impressive than that. He had to grow as a person and overcome the hard personality and beliefs that developed during his childhood.
For sure. On his own without any modelling from his dad