Good for them I say. It seems to me that EU needs Russia more than Russia needs EU (they would like to be part of it naturally). They have 9 time zones and untapped resources. If they were smarter they should declare BTC as currency as well and the things would change very quickly. We as people are smarter than that, we don't need endless wars but here we are.
exactly, and that is what i have been trying to say for two years, again and again in an article: it is about the prospects for change. as libertarians, we must be careful not to be drawn into the maelstrom of nationalism and geopolitics. peacekeeping comes first. because which of these tyrants ends up ruling, Putin or Zelenski with his camarilla, plays a subordinate role from the perspective of the individual in this region. Peacekeeping is everything. Willingness to engage in dialog, diplomacy and trade. And whenever I raise this issue, these crazy people come crawling out of the caves, calling you a Putin understander or a Putin collaborator. This cruel, intellectually unclean way of dealing with historical processes has become unbearable