I think Bitcoin adoption is intertwined with ideas about hard money, government and financial corruption, history of econ. There are many people I meet who don't think about these things often even though they affect all our lives. I think Bitcoiners that are working on evangelism should also focus discussion not just on BTC, but concepts of "hard money" and dangers of fiat inflation, which they obviously have. But it still needs time to percolate I think.
Some of these ideas are libertarian and many people mistrust libertarianism on a political/personal level, they view it is as modified alt-right thing and don't like the criticisms of welfare or social spending by government. The aim of BTC evangelism should be convincing people who do need help from current government / fiat system what problem Bitcoin may solve / alleviate.
Ideas about sovereign hard money need to be presented differently to different people, and in different contexts. Everyone has a different view the role of government. Presumably many social welfare advocates would be pro bitcoin if the argument put in terms of social welfare of a greater number of people. But then you'd have the very staunch libertarians balking at that.