Stories published in my book "Para Vivir Seguros" (2005) If you missed the previous story, here it is: #572746
The Case of the Charming Conversationalist
During lunchtime, Burger King was filled with office workers from nearby buildings, some mothers with their young children, and a few students from the neighboring private schools. Mauricio Fuentes stood in line at one of the registers while his wife and three children looked for an empty table. As he moved closer to the counter, Fuentes mentally composed his order. A cheerful presence and voice beside him made him turn around.
"Hey, brother, how are you?"
It was a young man, about twenty-eight or thirty years old, wearing blue jeans, sneakers, and a striped t-shirt untucked. His face was very ordinary, with no outstanding features, but a big smile revealed very white teeth. His skin was slightly dark, and his straight black hair was combed back. Mauricio tried to place him in his memory but couldn't... Mauricio's line of work meant he met many people, including clients, the public, suppliers, and colleagues at conventions and events. Sometimes he had trouble remembering faces and knowing where he knew them from. Just to be safe and not seem rude to this person who greeted him so cheerfully, he responded.
"Very well... And you?"
"Well, hanging in there... Are you still in the same business?"
Mauricio Fuentes was nearing the register. Mechanically, he took some bills from his pocket to have the money ready. He quickly glanced to check that his wife and children had found a table. The cheerful stranger remained beside him. A small boy, about five years old, came up to the man. The man bent down and picked him up in his arms.
"Hey, by the way, it's good to see you..."
"Oh? Why's that?"
"You won't believe it. This morning my truck was stolen..."
"Really? How did that happen?"
"At gunpoint. A guy with a gun climbed onto the running board at a traffic light and forced me out. I lost the truck, the merchandise, everything..."
"Have you reported it?"
"I just came from the police... Spent the whole morning making statements. I also need to go to the insurance company."
It was Mauricio Fuentes' turn to order. He placed his order and waited for the tray to be prepared. He paid. The man beside him touched his shoulder.
"Look, brother, I'm really sorry... I had my wallet with all my money in the truck, and now I'm left with nothing. Could you lend me some money to buy food for the kid?"
Mauricio Fuentes looked at him, hesitant. He still couldn't place where he knew this guy from or where this guy knew him from... The man insisted.
"Lend me some money... I'll pay you back tomorrow, just give me your phone number or address..."
Without thinking much, Fuentes separated a bill and handed it to the man.
"Here you go..."
"Hey, friend, but that's not enough for anything... Lend me a bit more..."
Resigned and somewhat annoyed, Mauricio Fuentes gave him a second bill. The man, very grateful, holding the boy, got in line at the adjacent register... Fuentes picked up his tray and maneuvered through the crowd to his table. They distributed the boxes with burgers, fries, and drinks. His wife asked him.
"Who was that guy you were talking to in line?"
"I can't remember where I know him from... My memory is such a mess..."
"And what were you talking about?"
"He told me his truck was stolen. He asked to borrow money..."
"Mauricio, for God's sake, you gave money to a man you don't even remember where you know him from? How much did he take?"
"He didn't take it. I lent it to him... He had his kid with him, I felt sorry for him. They hadn't eaten..."
"Oh, Mauricio, I think you just got scammed out of that money..."
"No, my love, I'm sure I know that man from somewhere."
Mauricio Fuentes tried to spot the man in line but didn't see him either at the register where he had left him or in any other line. He wasn't seated in the restaurant either. Eating a fry and sipping his drink through a straw, he concluded the matter.
"Well, I'm almost sure I know him."
A couple of weeks later, almost having forgotten the incident, Mauricio Fuentes was refueling his car at the gas station next to the Tropic Burger. He was looking at the oils and new products when his attention was drawn to some people being somewhat roughly escorted out of the side door of the fast-food place. A private security guard in uniform and an employee, also in uniform, were escorting a man with a small boy about five years old out of the establishment. Mauricio Fuentes, despite his erratic memory, immediately recognized the cheerful stranger to whom he had lent money. The private security guard and the employee let the man go, and he walked off carrying his boy towards the nearby bus stop. Seeing that it would be a few more minutes for his car, Fuentes walked over to the restaurant. The private security guard was standing at the door.
"Excuse me. I saw that man you were escorting out with the kid. What happened with him?"
"Why, do you know him?"
"Yes... Well, not really. What happened in there?"
"That guy is always bothering and harassing customers with a story about being robbed and not having money to buy food for his kid... We've kicked him out twice already..."
Mauricio Fuentes thanked the guard and returned to his car. So, his wife was right once again; that guy had easily scammed him, laughing, for two lunches... But how could he have fallen for it so stupidly? I can't be that gullible... But even the face seemed familiar... Could it be that I really did know him from somewhere?