If the man/woman you love easily gets attracted by others, then maybe he/ she is not the one; If your work can be easily stolen/copied, maybe you are not so unique or novel after all; If you can't even take care of the 12 seed words, maybe you don't really want freedom as much as you think.
maybe you don't really want freedom as much as you think.
I think most people are afraid of their freedom. That's why they escape from their freedom, as Erich From has analyzed very well in his book The Fear of Freedom.
The Fear of responsibility 👀
Yes, freedom always comes with responsibility!
if a stranger on internet gives your cookie cutter advice why listen?
do we need to wake up each day and give advice to people on the internet? each day, all day?
do we need to wake up each day and give advice to people on the internet? each day, all day?
Indeed. Great question @anon. Maybe everyone hasn't reached your level of wisdom and knowledge. Thank you for enlightening us.
preach at me all day kepford I am hungry for more of your wisdom
Maybe this is how we survive, maybe.