Uzbekistan has blocked the websites of large foreign cryptocurrency exchanges. Currently, platforms such as Binance, FTX, Kraken, KuCoin, Gate and others are not available.
The message on the blocked sites says that the sites were blocked in connection with the Cabinet of Ministers' resolution "On measures to improve information security in the global Internet information network."
For reference: you can buy, sell or exchange cryptocurrency only on those exchanges that store their servers in Uzbekistan. This law was supposed to come into force only on January 1, 2023.
This article shared is the only source for this seen by me so far and the claim has not been vetted further.
CoinDesk now has an article with an official source confirming:
According to the agency's announcement, Uzbekistan restricted access to cryptocurrency exchanges and over-the-counter brokers because the country's regulations don't allow citizens to trade crypto on foreign platforms. Under a law from 2018, crypto mining pools, exchanges, custodians and "crypto shops" must be licensed to operate in the country.