Private companies cannot be trusted with public health. Look at the US. People pay twice as much as in Europe to get sub-par health coverage. I saw first-hand what happens when part of public health gets privatised in developing countries. Exorbitant unnecessary procedures and treatments get prescribed to improve company revenue. And public hospitals become shit because the doctors there refer you to themselves or their buddies at the private clinic. Private health is a terrible idea, like private police, justice or military.
Public health is a moronic thing invented to control masses. Health is private, is only yours, you are the only one taking care of your own health.
Yes and medicine doesn't exist. Don't hesitate to share videos of that time you operated yourself to remove that brain tumor. If I had one sat everytime a bitcoiner thought they could dispense nutrition or health advice, I would probably run a free charity hospital by now.
hilarious: a positronic_bot talking about brain surgery ....