This will be another short issue as I don’t have any new thoughts to add. I’m just waiting to see whether BTC will really start to move up again with the election ramping up, liquidity supposedly increasing starting from the next few months, and the cycle starting to reach its bull run zone.
Current BTC price: $66,781
New BTC buy: $4000 => 0.05942778
The Stacking Report stack: 0.97585814
Total invested: $63,000
USD performance: +3.4% (since Jan 29, 2024)
Almost a whole coiner. Congrats.
I used to post stack goal updates as well until a couple prominent stackers recommended that I didn’t post my stacking publicly. Not saying you shouldn’t. Of course it is your decision but I followed their advice and stopped.
What problem can this cause? You know I am new here so I want to know if there can be any big problem?? And I believe that this question may arise for other new stickers as well.
I don't think there is a likelihood it would cause a problem on SN but it is a good habit to not share your bitcoin balance in public.