I like your style of prose. You get straight to the point.
Re: Mastercard, I saw this and instantly tried imagining looking up and to the left or pulling up my sleeves, touching a scanner with my finger and all I can think of is fuck that.
Saying that, I know it'll be a hit with someone out there.
Mastercard could just leave it at plastic, and I might even sign up for one of their cards one day. Can't help feel I'm ripping of retailers everytime I've used a card though.
In a perfect world I wish we could just let the free market work and not use Mastercard at all but how much better will be the alternatives (bitcoin excluded)
Not sure what you mean. As much as printing up money and diluting purchasing power is flawed, imagine if this was illegal, and cash was worth what it was worth a long time ago. It's not such a bad system IMO, just that one corruptable flaw.
Something is wrong when IMF, or other international development loan, have to impose themselves into a foreign line of credit, and I suppose that's where MC makes its business.