There were some pretty big zaps for the Anita Posch Satsraiser last August. I am guessing the biggest one came from that.
@siggy47 do you have any idea what the biggest zap was. I think both you and I zapped 100k or more but we had a lot of big zaps.
I can't filter my zaps by date/size to confirm, but I'm pretty sure I got a 100K zap or two in during the Anita Posch satsraiser. I tried to spread it out over the course of a day, but there was motivation to keep up and precedence to set. Worth every sat! I hope it becomes an annual/regular event.
Yeah hopefully we do it again this year. It was a lot of fun. I definitely zapped a lot of sats that day but I got something absurd like 50k back in rewards which I zapped most back to the satsraiser the following day.
Yeah hopefully we do it again this year.
It will be interesting. I missed it last year!
I don't recall. @k00b also zapped that post very heavily.
Yes, I assumed k00b or SN zapped quite a bit.
I think I zapped about 200k including the boost. I think it was the first time I used anon
Are we doing it again this summer?
I would happily zap. If the right situation comes along, sure. It's tough finding a worthy cause everyone agrees on.