So the What Bitcoin Did episode yesterday got me all excited about I messed around with it and went to pay. The options are all shitcoin or bitcoin from coinbase, which seemed to defeat the purpose for me. Still, it looks like it's better than ChatGPT. My question is, having not really personally done the research, would one of the options in my Umbrel app store accomplish this better. So, do stackers recommend...
ChatBot UI7.1%
Chatpad AI0.0%
or something else?28.6%
Luddites click here.35.7%
14 votes \ poll ended
I'm using Agents for now
  • Unleashed has a mixtral that can search the internet and nostr paid via lightning
  • PPQ.AI has open and closed source models paid via lightning
  • CASCDR has AI tools and services paid via lightning
  • Open Agents gives the ability to create AI agents and offer a wider selection of models.........paid via lightning or subscription.
This looks amazing!
FUCK'EM'ALL fuck all AI (that in fact is not any "intelligence"...)
Fuck em all
fuck all combustion engines (that in fact is not any "transportation"...)
<graphic showing some pseudohistory about horses, cars and societal collapse as a circle>
sol invictus
Hmmm, I’m not sure how to interpret the graphic, but in some ways, it does remind me of that fun short story, The Last Question by Isaak Asimov.
I don’t think there’s any solid evidence at this point that time isn’t linear (which Occam’s razor seems to prefer), so that’s a barrier we’d have to cross over before I could really engage with that world-view personally. But yeah, I agree with the sentiment that machine learning has a lot of serious dangers.
I want machines, robots and so called "AI" to do the hard work that humans are doing it now... not painting landscapes, making deepfake videos and write code etc
  • working in mines or dangerous places (radiation, volcanoes, space whatever where humans can barely can go or resist)
  • cure human wounds and restore tissues easily and fast
  • do precise technical tasks where humans can fail and/or get tired
All this crazyness with shatGPT is only making humans dumb not smarter.
For sure! I can get behind all that! In the meantime, I do think it's also a helpful tool for research. Yeah, I do worry about it making me lazy, but it's kind of like saying one is lazy for reading a book instead of learning every fact by traveling the globe and experiencing everything first-hand. It's just not feasible. That said, in general, I'm totally with you on all of this.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 13 Jun
Ia asked Erik: “@ErikVoorhees When will it be possible to pay with #bitcoin Lightning for Venice AI Or #liquid @Liquid_BTC?”
Awesome! Curious to hear what he says…
On the website it says, if you want to remove safe mode and completely decensor it you have to upgrade to pro? Have you done that and think it's worth it?
Support Grok - Musk is behind it and we need to keep supporting him :)
tbh, I don't think if you don't need to pay for an llm chatbot you are a luddite.
Just selfhost an open source project. Why do you want to pay for any of these saas services?
I agree.
Well yeah, a few of these I can selfhost on my Umbrel, although I need to check which ones are open-source. I'm just curious if anybody knows about any backdoors or other concerns that someone less tech-saavy might not be able to audit themselves. Basically, what is the best program to use?
If you want an easy solution you can look on youtube on how to run ollama and use many models there. I think Mistral is awesome. However, there is nothing wrong with finding an Umbrel solution - if you find something that fits your needs