That is a total bullshit. state citizen is a shitizen not a sovereign individual.
Go back and read @Lux pill about what really is a "citizen".
you can still have a passport- you don't need to be a citizen. Hence, it doesn't hurt to research this furthermore. There is 2 governments- the common and the F*ked one
Which part of the word "pass-port" you do not understand? pass = a license to get through port = a vessel dock to onboard onto, where you do not make any rules, your rights are vanished
read Lux pills: #521692
Darth you are right, but, some ships have better rules than others :) ;)
still not my rules...
So how do you travel to another country @DarthCoin?
just walking or by own car. Question is, why do you need to travel so far all the time? Why do you need to take a plane or any other commercial meaning ? Because every time you buy a plane/train ticket, you enter into a commercial contract, then you have to respect their rules.
This is the important aspect that people still do not understand: any commercial transport is A CONTRACT. Once you sign it, buy it, you HAVE TO agree with their terms and respect them.
But if I do not want to use any commercial transport, WHY IN THE HELL I NEED A TRAVEL LICENSE? I didn't signed and agree any commercial contract.
So you don't want to travel anywhere, is what you're saying, outside 48 states? see this Yes, it states very clearly it's a U.S. Passport it also states OR non-citizen national of the U.S ...For the purpose of travel, YES you follow their rules and shit since you're involved in commercial but it ends there.
---you can have [1]US citizenship, then [2]U.S Nationals.. so non-citizen national is something else
200 sats \ 6 replies \ @Lux 13 Jun
you are free to do whatever you want, I know ppl that play with the system how they see fit. with or without passport. and even if you have it, it can benefit you when you know how everything works. why not making your own country ffs :)
Right so you go back to citizen-SHIP. Good luck as a slave.
Okay if I'm getting this correct, its like a membership but you can jump ship. For traveling purpose. Cause that's what you say if you're in a car
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 13 Jun