I am not man enough

I am not man enough to admit I have been Beaten by the loves that threshold brings forth
I am not man enough to pay for everyone else's problems
And I am not man enough to stare in the sun and get a buzz off of it
I am not man enough to wish that the she that she is would just stop pestering my dreams
I am not man enough to stop the flow of righteous zealots
I man not man enough to rule the world for a short period of time
I am not man enough to get killed for the sake of man
I am just not man enough to really be a man I guess that I will Just have to be what I am... A man,
The poem “I Am Not Man Enough“ written by Alexander Nuttall on Sunday, August 23, 1998. There are times when a young man or an old man are accused of not being a man. Fulfilling the prophetic relationship deemed appropriate for the gender roles of life. Accepting that one has deprecated into acceptance it’s easy to move on.
Image: ©Alexander Nuttall 20170618 - 20240612 - IMG-20170618-WA0015.jpeg
Poetry by Alex Nuttall, title: I Am Not Man Enough, Original Date: 19980823 – © Alexander Blair Nuttall / OgFOMK ArTS 1998 – 2018 – Retro-published 20240611.