Please critique this plan:
  1. Patronize local small businesses (restaurants, etc.) with a small group of other bitcoiners
  2. Ask if they accept bitcoin
  3. If no, say we'd like to leave (a generous) tip in bitcoin, may we show them how to accept
What is the drop-dead simplest lighting POS or app to accept lightning payments for a normie?
  1. Ask if they know other small businesses that might want to learn about bitcoin
  2. Repeat
Bonus: If develop close-enough relationship with an owner, ask how they invest their cash flow treasury account, and if they've heard of Microstrategy / Saylor
What is the drop-dead simplest lighting POS or app to accept lightning payments for a normie?
Try @OPAGO_PAY - if you want a no hassle, no node, no knowledge, just receive.
If you want to go down the learning curve, start reading and learning more how YOU could be their "uncle Jim" bank or help them directly. I wrote several guides about these scenarios: