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By Sergio Lopez
Contra Keynesians, who believe that government spending and bureaucracy are the keys to economic growth, it is the bureaucratic state that swallows resources and stifles entrepreneurs.
It is quite correct, as the opponents of the trend toward totalitarianism say, that the bureaucrats are free to decide according to their own discretion questions of vital importance for the individual citizen’s life. It is true that the officeholders are no longer the servants of the citizenry but irresponsible and arbitrary masters and tyrants. . . . It is further true that bureaucracy is imbued with an implacable hatred of private business and free enterprise. But the supporters of the system consider precisely this the most laudable feature of their attitude. Far from being ashamed of their anti-business policies, they are proud of them. They aim at full control of business by the government and see in every businessman who wants to evade this control a public enemy.
Reminds me on Enemy of the State. Anyone that isnt on their side is dispensable.
The Will Smith movie?
Yeah. Before he was so famous and before his head was in the clouds.
I remember liking it, but I doubt I've seen it since it came out.
I feel the story it told is becoming more and more true.