And history does repeat itself! The European Union has ordered over 40 million doses of bird flu vaccine from UK manufacturer CSL. This four-year contract aims to prevent a potential outbreak among humans, following alarming developments in the USA where the virus has spread from poultry to dairy cattle. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a (fake) human case in Mexico involving a previously unseen bird flu strain. Has Ursula got herself another special deal here?
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How dare you underplay the fact that one person with numerous comorbidities has died with bird flu?
Sorry. I am an inhuman Nietzscherian
Vaccine here please!! Vaccine there please!! I'm sad to see how the old ways of fighting naturally through any disease or disaster are vanishing. Are we not on the way to make humans more and more artificial this way? Can all the science of this world not understand that these ways of safekeeping humanity will create a disaster for upcoming human generations. I am against all these man made injections because I see the human body must develop resistance to anything naturally. I haven't taken the covid vaccine and nor anyone in my family. While covid was at the fullest (according to media), we used natural ways to adapt and escape the popularized pandemic. Now as the world has developed a mass immunity against it, I don't think there's any more need of these vaccines. The same is the case with bird flu. Humans have also assembled a mass immunity against bird flu.
Don't screw up my investment in great pharmaceutical stocks here
Haha! I didn't know that you're looming on these pharama stocks there. For the sake of your stocks, I take my words back! But again, I can't take vaccines! Instead I prefer to take herbs and would love to buy a few stocks of those who are making some kind of herbal medicines.
no, don't worry. i don't have anything like that in my portfolio! i only have really good things like tobacco stocks sugar producers and everything that destroys people's health in an insidious way
Wow! There's some genius investor sitting inside you! In my country every tobacco product has to put a big disclaimer 'Tobacco Causes Cancer', yet the sells for these products are increasing here! I must say, you have chosen some very genuine stocks for your portfolio.
Hahaha.... In the case of tobacco, the regulations have created quasi-monopolies. i always invest where there is low risk
Another vaccine? Will you need unlimited booster shots forever, too?
They'll be boostering the shit out of us (or those who religiously believe in their overloards)