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Is milk not good in low amounts? Can't say the same about coke, I guess.
and isn't it tiring calculating the cal in what you should eat or drink?
I'm not calculating, I am guessing and then checking. 👀
And I think it's good to get a feel for what has how many kcal. It already helped me to buy an apple and cherries instead of coke or milk.
I don't intend to do this forever. Will stop when I have healthy eating habits.
depends on what kind of milk 👀
milk for cooking is okay, but drinking should be avoided ( only talking about the pasteurized milk from supermarkets here )
How do you wash down a slice of chocolate cake??
What's bad about pasteurized milk?
use the internet 👀
And better drinks for these hot days could be:
  • Ayran: yogurt mixed with salt and water
  • ACV mixed with honey ( delicious and it cleans your body )
  • soda, lemon mixed with salt
  • fresh fruit juice
coke and pasteurized milk is the last thing I want to drink. 😂