We have a Mitsubishi heat pump in our current rental. I actually didn't realize it was a heat pump, or even acknowledge the existence of heat pumps, until watching this video. The principle of operation is super simple. It's just doing what an AC does already in reverse.
I like the design of that window unit a lot too. We have two window AC units that end up blocking half the window.
This is the first heat pump idea I can see myself adopting, because I don't want to do a big renovation. The price tag is pretty daunting, though.
69 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 11 Jun
I suspect they'll come down a lot in a few years to at least make the energy+unit cost competitive with window AC units.
I'm not sure I'll ever love window units though. They tend to break the window's air/noise seal (which is already weak especially with the cheap construction going on in Austin these days), and as someone sensitive to noise, I'll usually avoid them.
They tend to break the window's air/noise seal
That's a great point. It looks so sleek in the ad, but then I'd also have to somehow get new window screens that work with it, plus the poor seal and who knows how many other minor irritations.