ofc storage is not cheap so the uploader must pay something. Another method that they can implement is sharing costs from earnings. For example if you do not have enough sats to pay to upload, you could say "ok this video will be with pay per view up until will accumulate x amount of sats to cover the costs". So viewers will pay per view and saths will be split between Flare and uploader, until are covering the costs. Then the uploader could switch to free view and just leave the V4V zaps activated. Flare got their part, uploader also could post his video.
It should embrace the Blossom spec, a layer build on top of Nostr for storing the video blobs (files).
But the developer of flare.pub (same applies to flockstr.com from the same dev) is not very active nor ambitious on further development.
Is there something more promising on the horizon?
I think so, I'm tinkering with it ;-) Running a blossom mediaserver and a specific relay for transmitting the blossom nostr events which tells you on which servers a blob can be found.
Awesome! I'm looking forward to it.