Stories published in my book "Para Vivir Seguros (2005) If you missed the previous story, here it is: #569064
Marina López is a 23-year-old single woman who is friendly and talkative. Besides working as an administrative assistant at a construction company, she is an athlete, a fan of aerobics, and a member of a volleyball team. She likes to feel good and stay in shape. She buys cereals, yogurt, slimming creams, and any healthy product advertised on television to take care of, maintain, and improve her body. She enjoys dressing casually. That day, she was wearing tight blue jeans, a small crop top that left her belly button exposed and highlighted her bust, and leather ankle boots with rubber soles. She had her shoulder bag slung over her shoulder. The bus dropped her off at the terminal next to the shopping mall. She walked towards the intercity bus stop. She passed by the orange juice vendor. Every time she passed, the vendor would look up from his work, stare at her, and say something flirtatious.
“Wow, miss, so many curves and I don’t have any brakes…”
Marina López smiled at him and kept walking. If she followed her usual route, it would take longer. She could also take a shortcut through a deserted area, a vacant lot, and save time. There were weeds, debris, and rusty vehicle remains. A narrow path marked the way. This shortcut saved her almost two blocks of walking. Many people used it, although at that moment, no one was in sight. She heard footsteps behind her. It was the orange juice vendor.
“Miss, wait a moment.”
Surprised, Marina López stopped. The man approached her.
“I wanted to give you a juice...”
The girl was surprised. The man wasn’t carrying a cup in his hand. Moreover, she didn’t like the expression on his face at all. All alarms went off in Marina’s head. She looked around. Not a soul in sight. Nervously, she resumed walking.
“Wait, miss...”
The man was still behind her, getting closer. Marina López started running. But it was too late. She felt him grab her wrist firmly. The man pulled her towards him.
“My queen... I knew you would come this way. And I would come for you...”
Terrified, trying to free herself, the girl managed to say a few words...
“No, no... You’re mistaken... I don’t want anything...”
“They all say the same thing... Come here... I’ll give you what you want...”
“But let me go... Are you crazy? Let me go, damn it!”
But the man pulled her forcefully towards the nearby bushes while trying to tear off her short top. With her free hand, Marina López clawed his face with her nails. She felt her wrist get free and started running. She managed to get a few seconds’ advantage. She began to scream. She felt the attacker would catch her again. But at that moment, two young men appeared on the path. They saw and heard her. They froze. But the attacker saw them too. He turned around and ran to the other end of the lot. Trembling, Marina López asked the two young men to help her, explaining that the man had been attacking her.
Marina López was fortunate to escape unharmed from the attempted assault. She never saw the man at the orange juice stand again, nor did she ever think of walking through deserted places again...