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I'm sure most of us if we're gamers or have ever considered ourselves one, will have played a game that has captivated you for hours. I've had several, some Final Fantasy, Red Dead Redemption, GTA V and GTA San Andreas, and many others, but my longest gaming session was with World of Warcraft back in 2005 or 2006, I don't remember the exact date, what I do remember is that I played for about 16 hours straight, I was a kid and that game captivated me, it's not something I'm proud of but that's how it happened.
What has been your longest gaming session?
Poker for 36 hours count? It was live, too, in Vegas.
If you see it like a game, it counts haha, that's insane bro
tournament or cash game ? No sleep ?


No Limit Hold em cash game at Binions!
I won't even ask if you've used additives 😂
Just coffee and Bailey's Irish Creme
15 hours on Civ VI f****** madness !
Civ III was probably my highwater mark. I imagine I also logged something like 15 hours straight.
Civ is super addictive! I got it into my head that I had to finish the game, and I didn't go to bed before it was over.
You almost match me! Now comes Civ VII, take it easy 😜😜
15 hours on PUBG.
I never got to play PUBG but I did have very long sessions of Apex Legends.
World of Warcraft 40 men raid, I believe it was our first few MC full runs, before we got it on farm, still had wipes, but we knew we could do it. Our raids start at 6pm PST and at times run until 2am. We would run instances to farm reputation and mats for guild raid consumables afterwards. We usually stop playing at around 6am and would meet up at a local McDonald's for breakfast before heading back home for bed. You can be reckless and abuse your body when you're young.
From what you're telling me, you're talking about World of Warcraft vanilla, or rather when WoW was just released, which was when 40-person raids were possible, that time was incredible, I understand how you got to play so much, I lived something similar, I arrived in TBC.
Yea, I should have been more specific. It was Vanilla Vanilla WoW, during 2006 when a few friends and I grew our little guild from PUG-ing AQ20 first boss to having our own regular raids on ZG and AQ20. We started with killing a few bosses then eventually clearing both 20 men raids. Then we grew to having enough player to do our own 40 men raids and started with MC, eventually moving onto BWL and parts of Naxx. Our guild also crafted both OG legendary weapons, Thunderfury and Sulfras. They took a lot, seriously a lot, of effort to craft back in vanilla.
We had the whole thing running, guild website, ventrilo server, DKP system and the lot. I was running a lot of the back end stuff for our guild on top of playing hours and hours each day. I was also the guild alchemist and was farming and crafting potions to hand out in raids. It was probably more work than a full time job, I never knew where I found the time to do all that on top of going to school. I guess it was because I was on my co-op term and only had to worry about showing up to work and not need to worry about studying.
I never became part of such a structured and well-formed guild, but I did have a similar experience with some good friends, we left school and it was play, play and play, think only about WoW and play until late at night, to go back to school and repeat the same thing, although it was crazy, I remember it very fondly.
I think having real life friends playing it together makes it so much more fun. I'm still very close with these friends to this day, and we still hang out often. The history/experience gives us an extra thing to talk about. We are now just a bunch of old fucks that talk about the "good old days" all the time haha.
24h 😅 (PSX)
Don't tell my mom 🤣
Hahaha, which video game was it with?
FF8, RE2, Tekken 3, THPS (2,3) generally classics 😁
without a doubt, pokemon haha ​​when I was a kid the first one (GameBoy) couldn't save the game, so you had to take it to the end as much as you could before the batteries ran out (2 AA batteries were used) or before your mother would send you to sleep or demand some task from you that would make you stop playing. hahaha in a single day at that time I played up to 10 hours or more, it was crazy. I have always enjoyed games so during my adolescence I was also able to enjoy a game console, and without thinking too much I could say that the game to which I dedicated the most hours, both in one day and in general, was (Gran Turismo) What a special day it was those earning licenses and completing circuits.
Gran Turismo 2 was unique, I don't know if you remember, I played that game for many hours, on the other hand, I remember hiding the game boy under the pillow so that when my parents went to sleep I could take it out and play Pokémon for hours in the early morning, then I went to school half asleep.
I played an entire season and playoffs of Madden in one day. Quarters set to 5 minutes though, so with stoppages games are about half an hour. I guess that is around 10 hours but I didn't play 10 hours straight. Played for a few hours in the afternoon and then went and did other things for awhile and played the rest at night until around 3am.
This was before my daughter was born. My wife and son were out of town visiting family. I stayed home to finish up some work stuff in the morning but I didn't have anything to do in the afternoon so I just started playing and then went back to it later and it got to a point where I was so far in the season it just made sense to finish it.
I've never played that game, but something similar has happened to me with Fifa, especially with Fifa 18, I spent many hours in a row playing the season mode of that game.
I dont remember gaming so much, but I remember spending 6 hours or so playing starcraft together with my brothers. Now I feel it isnt about gaming, companies like netflix want you to binge watch tv shows.
I also spent many hours playing Starcraft and Warcraft, great games.
I played with my brothers. We had an apple talk system.
I don’t know in a single session but when Elden Ring came out I ended up putting in close to 200 hours in total. Way too much….I’ve virtually quit games since then apart from Nintendo with my kids.
200 hours is a lot, but I have played games in which I have dedicated 1000 hours in my adolescence, or even more, Elden Ring is a great game, perhaps 200 hours were deserved
For sure it is a great game.
I was on Skype call (if you remember this app) and played DOTA with my friend. When we ended the last game Skype showed me about 8 house of blah blah blah
Not really a single session, but last year I joined a 24-hours BloodBowl tournament (6 games had to be completed in 24 hours, max 2 and a half hours per game). Great experience, met a lot of cool people and a couple of them I would call good friends now.
6 hours of Fortnite