Also just remembered 홍어 (fermented skate), from Jeolla province in Korea. That was genuinely hard to eat as it reeks like ammonia.
I had to look that one up! I work with ammonia....I am not a fan of the smell.
Fermented skate, known as hongeo in Korean, is a traditional delicacy in South Korea, particularly in the South Jeolla Province. Here are some key points about fermented skate:
  • Preparation: A whole skate is placed in a pile of hay for days to ferment, resulting in a pungent smell and a chewy texture[3][5].
  • Flavor and Texture: The fermented skate has a strong ammonia content, which gives it a stinging taste. The texture is similar to that of raw fish, but with a cartilaginous and chewy consistency[3][5].
  • Traditional Dish: Hongeo is typically enjoyed as part of a "samhap" dish, which includes steamed pork belly and overripe kimchi. This combination helps to balance the strong flavors and textures[3][5].
  • Regional Significance: Mokpo, South Jeolla Province, is known for its high-quality fermented skate, and Heuksando Island is famous for producing it[3][4].
  • Availability: Fermented skate can be purchased online, with products like Heuksando Island Hongeo Sashimi offering lightly matured and refrigerated skate that can be stored for up to three months[4].
  • Culinary Experience: Eating fermented skate is known for its unique sensations, including a tingling feeling in the throat and a lingering smell that can be intense[3][5].
Overall, fermented skate is a distinctive and flavorful dish that is deeply rooted in Korean cuisine and culture, particularly in the South Jeolla Province[3][4][5].
I never cease to be amazed at how fast you compile information from various sources