Do they come in peace? The question has hung over the UFO mystery forever, but a new study comes closer to an answer than ever before.
Since the United States detonated its first atomic bomb at the Trinity test site in 1945, dozens of accounts of UFOs have been logged by military witnesses and government scientists working with America's sensitive nuclear arsenal.
Now a new, decades-long study has analyzed over 500 of the best supported UFO cases from the heights of the Cold War and hauntingly concluded: 'This intelligence understands atomics, and they understand atomic weaponry.'
"Yo everyone get over here, those monkey people discovered the neutron!"
They know very well how dangerous these types of weapons are. Perhaps they are just watching us or controlling us so that we don't do anything terrible.
when rowdy kids get out of hand, they go into a time-out room. there are many bunkers being built around the world.