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I'd love to have the author (Max Webster) revisit this 2020 opinion with how things have developed over the last 4 years.
What do you think has been the biggest development in lightning over the last 4 years?
In random order of importance:
  • Splicing
  • Better path-finding
  • Huge improvement in payment success rates
  • Realization that LN isn't perfect, yet is the best working thing we have
  • Increasingly being used for large transfers between big players rather than the misguided early marketing focusing only on near-free small payments
I'd say the biggest development is that hype has been replaced by realism, which is usually a good sign as most maturing technologies go through such phases.
I'd say the biggest development is that hype has been replaced by realism, which is usually a good sign as most maturing technologies go through such phases.
Suddenly remembered where I heard his name before: Hivemind, a Bitcoin-focused VC company.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing.
Isn't @MaxAWebster on SN?
thanks for flagging!