Complete article here
Missing cover
Missing text 👉You hold the power in your hands, don't let them take it. Don't believe me? Try to get a loan from a bank without a signature. Your signature is as good as gold (if not better) and is an original trademark.
I choose to form my own path, even if it means leaving everything I knew prior. It doesn't have to be a spiritual thing. Some, have called me religious because of this. We're all capable of greatness and having humanity.
✨Don't have a machine heart with a machine mind. Instead, choose to have a heart like the cowardly lion from the "Wizard Of Oz."

Straightforward from Merriam-Webster

Choose Right or Left? No control, to be 100% without restrictions- free.
✨I disagree with the example sentence given. Because you cannot advocate for human freedom and own slaves, it's contradicting it. Which was common in the founding days.
✨What does it look like to pull the curtains from the "Wizard of Oz?"

My closing remarks

Have you watched the video below, what 30 Trillion dollars in debt looks like visually? Even I was blown away.
I say this with love. Hear my plea?
Normally, I don't write about anything political. It just feels like a losing game. My energy feels it's in better use to learn new things, write and to create. Even a simple blog post as simple as this. Stack SATs, and remain humble.