A thin market is characterized by a low number of buyers and sellers, resulting in low trading volume and liquidity. Here are the key points about thin markets:

Low Trading Volume

  • Thin markets have few transactions occurring over a given period, leading to insufficient trading volume for efficient price discovery.[1][2][4]
  • Low liquidity makes it difficult to convert assets into cash at fair prices.[3]

Lack of Competition

  • With few market participants, there is a lack of competition and increased market power for buyers or sellers.[3]
  • This allows participants to dictate prices above competitive levels (for sellers) or below competitive levels (for wages paid by employers).[3]
  • It also facilitates collusion and market manipulation by the few participants.[3]

Volatility and Inefficiency

  • Thin markets are inelastic, so small shifts in supply or demand can cause significant price movements and volatility.[1][2][3]
  • Prices may not accurately reflect true supply and demand conditions due to the low number of transactions.[1][2]
  • In residual cash markets, prices may be inefficient if transactions do not represent the broader market for contracted goods.[5]


  • Agricultural markets with low production volumes
  • Labor markets in rural areas or company towns with few employers
  • Financial markets for thinly traded assets like private equity or collectibles
  • Housing markets in certain areas[3][5]
Addressing thin market issues requires facilitating more market participants, reducing barriers to entry, or ensuring transactions are representative of the broader market.[1][3][5] Regulation may be needed to prevent exploitation of market power in extremely thin markets.[3]
Sources [1] Thin markets - BEAM Exchange https://beamexchange.org/guidance/intervention-stages/thin-markets/ [2] [PDF] thin markets - University of Wisconsin–Madison https://users.ssc.wisc.edu/~mrostek/PalgraveRW.pdf [3] How Antitrust Can Better Regulate Thin Labor Markets - ProMarket https://www.promarket.org/2022/03/29/how-antitrust-can-better-regulate-thin-labor-markets/ [4] Thin market Definition - Nasdaq https://www.nasdaq.com/glossary/t/thin-market [5] [PDF] A New Taxonomy of Thin Markets John D. Anderson, Darren ... https://webdoc.agsci.colostate.edu/koontz/thinmarkets/sp07an01.pdf
The two examples given are agricultural products and rural areas
Trump is popular with farmers and rural voters