Why that? If there is something to that then justice can be served. If there is nothing to it then it can be proven.
You need probable cause last i checked, what is their probable cause?
I assume some evidence (or lack thereof) that he ordered jan 6.
Iirc if he said the words out loud (or wrote them down) that would be technically against some laws from the civil war era. At least to a technicality.
Even if he did order a protest, which he didn't, who cares? Protests are not illegal. This was a political raid. And America holds political prisoners.
Protests are not illegal.
But storming the capitol is. There are laws from the civil war era that make it illegal.
It's on video, they were let in.
Breaking glass is a great way to make an entrance.
Not to mention the killing of Capitol police officer. #BlueLivesMatter....
That cop died a different day, of natural causes. The only person murdered was an unarmed protester.
You need to stop listening to propaganda, it will fry your brain.
The AG signed off on it. There seems to be probable cause
what is AG? 🧐
Attorney General