So, they have to re-elect the entire parliament? If things are trending against him, why would that help?
this territory is moderated
Nope: the French parliament has two chambers (Assemblée Nationale and Sénat). The President can only dissolve the Assemblée Nationale, and hence French people are only going to reelect this "half" of the Parliament (the Assemblée has 577 members, the Sénat 348).
Senate has more seats than I expected
Thank you for clarifying this.
I think he is, like Sunak, one of the rats that are leaving the EUSSR-Titanic now.
Yes. He has been called to do it every couple of months it seems. It’s a semi-bluff to the electorate which sometimes works: in the UK Boris Johnson called a snap election in 2019 and was given a large majority from a campaign for his European stance and an unpopular (socialist) opponent.
It’s ’this is what I stand for. This can’t go on. Back me or sack me’
He's fleeing what's coming to the EU: an economical meltdown. Le Pen is against the Euro and illegal mass immigration and this movement is gaining momentum
Macron wants to demystify the RN before the next presidential elections in 2027, knowing well that there's no way this inexperienced protest party can have any success with their socialist policies at fixing the current mess he's created over the years.
That's interesting. It reminds of when the Republicans allowed the Green New Deal come up for a vote. It was such bad legislation that most of its sponsors voted against it.
We needed to hearings before voting!
*have hearings…
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 10 Jun
This is an interesting thought
Actually, not my analysis. I read it here (sorry, in French):
Hard not to agree…
33 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 9 Jun
Until then, we can continue to enjoy the friendly smiles of Ursula von der Leyen and Christine Lagarde.
….smiling piranha slowly nibbling away at a disintergrating corpse…
Until then, we can continue to enjoy the friendly smiles of Ursula von der Leyen and Christine Lagarde.