"If voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it" someone once said that and it ain't too far way from the truth. They need masses to confirm what they have fostered and advertised but that has nothing to do with what they do in the office AFTER they are elected.
They need a legitimate reason to take office, otherwise its a coup (as in COUP D'ÉTAT)
Sure I want small government that does not run my life, builds roads and stays away from my kids, but that's not happening here in today's America. Our ideas from the Founding Father are so twisted now, it's a miracle that we still have the constitution. So vote or don't vote it's your choice. Hope it makes you feel better. At the end you don't really vote for the office, the electoral college does, so there is another can of worm I won't get into.... It's your personal call, do as you please. I do agree on end the Fed part, they did more damage than good (except for themselves naturally) but I don't see that happening anytime soon unless people stop using dollar and switch to something the government can't control..... only if we would have something like that.... :-) oh wait....