I obviously don't need a government to change my pants, but I don't see the need for a country either, and I wouldn't want to fight for mine.
I don't feel "proud" for being part of my country, I had no part in the accomplishments of my forefathers or the athletes representing my country.
Concepts of countries divide us as humans, pit us in needless competition or outright wars.
this territory is moderated
You seem to forget how violent history is. People aren’t nice in general. Governments and countries were formed to allow people to live and flourish in a culture they see fit. Modern life has gotten so easy now people forget that if someone can steal from you and get away with it they will.
The libertarian/free market still doesn’t have a solution on how to deal with a psychopath or a gang of psychopaths.
The libertarian/free market still doesn’t have a solution on how to deal with a psychopath or a gang of psychopaths.
Yeah, I keep asking how the justice system would work in an AnCap society and have yet to see a satisfactory answer.
Until then, I remain convinced that this problem is best solved by some degree of centralisation.
Still, I don't see how rallying people under a single banner solves any problems (especially since it means rallying against someone else).
What I'm trying to say is, I'm not against a very limited government, but I'm definitely against nationalism.
200 sats \ 3 replies \ @anon 9 Jun
Still, I don't see how rallying people under a single banner solves any problems
Numbers. Your psychopathic neighbors who want to steal your stuff are often rallying under a single banner, their violent government. The nature of war is such that defending yourself in battle requires large scale coordination to be most successful. Thus you're going to need to rally your own people under a single banner to successfully defend yourselves.
This is exactly why almost every neighbor of Russia has either joined NATO, or is actively trying to join. NATO is the biggest banner they can rally under to discourage Russia from invading.
And on the flip side Russia still exists after so many attempts of conquest. From the Brits to the Germans. We often focus heavily on Jewish losses but over 20+ million Russians died in WWII.
Most German soldiers died on the eastern front
NATO expansion has been a mistake
It’s not about solving a problem it’s about people coming together and deciding to live their lives a certain way.
Bitcoiners love to champion El Salvador for making bitcoin legal tender because those group of people wish to live on a more fair standard than the one we have now. Now if India hates that and want to blow them off the face of the earth then it makes Complete sense people band together and defend themselves
The libertarian/free market still doesn’t have a solution on how to deal with a psychopath or a gang of psychopaths.
I don't know how to deal with individual psychopaths, but a gang of psychopaths is called a government and defunding it is a good way to deal with it.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 9 Jun
How are you going to defund another country's government when they're attacking you?
The government isn’t a monolith. What about the part of government that makes sure your water is clean and your power doesn’t blow out the circuits in your house.
Government corrupt because they are made up of humans the vile and evil shit they do most logical people don’t condone but defunding the government is only one aspect of trying to stop evil you still have to deal with the morality and culture of the people as a whole.
Hoover Dam and Niagara Falls
We should let the market decide
Bad joke