Yes, he is now doing some real work. This should serve as an example for every system. There are superfluous people with unnecessary work are taken in for the purpose of mking some people happy. I see this in governments cabinets and administrations everywhere. Even in my country, I see that in so many states there are unnecessary positions of vice Chief ministers, not one but sometimes 2 or three. This is a misuse and if Milei can understand this, he is definitely on path to redeem Aregentina prosperity once again.
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He goes way beyond that. He explicitly postulates that the state in itself is flawed and condemned to degenerate with time regardless of any well intentioned initial setup. He permanently dismisses with disdain the idea of an "efficient administration", which he denounces as a delusion used by statists to, indeed, degenerate into parasitic structures, always with the excuse of "improving the state administration performance" (sounds familiar?).