Hell yeah!!! Don't vote and don't pay taxes!!
I didn't vote in India elections as my revenge and definitely I font pay any taxes... If you want to harm the system, harm it from the front.
Voting or no voting is secondary, it's your mindset that makes you a slave. I libe in a democratic country but I ain't a slave of the system. Instead I'm the owner of it. I'm putting everything in Bitcoin and I know that this way I can be sure that the whole world can be roped into one thread. Bitcoin is a bargain for a real utopia, democracy has fucked the ideals of utopia and IMO, it's the worst dystopian diaspora in these times.
End the Fed, would supposedly end taxation. This is something to look forward to. I hope we live to see it brother.
Both started in 1913
Before that, hun. America was built on the blood and labor of slaves. It started at the end of war.
End of war in 1776 or 1865?
The Fed was created in 1913
Income Tax amendment passed in 1913
If America was built on the labor of slaves, how do you explain the poverty in Africa? And black neighborhoods in USA?
Africa gets resources from abroad, they live on terrible land. At least that's the story. From my POV the land can in time recover if the proper microorganism are put into place. I'm not an agriculture person but I've read some fantastic stories about permaculture. They have just about everything they need there, abeilt maybe a need more help to build a water catcher.
Africa takes loans from IMF, no?
Imagine taking a loan you can never repay? That you need to take an additional loan to pay for the original loan. Cycle that a few times..
The above is just about Africa. American(black n white) are borrowing and have a hard time paying stuff today. They probably have a 20% credit card interest plus late payments. Hmm..similarities?
I'm not debate that, but they were there before that. It just wasn't established