"pretending that a narrow or general artificial intelligence won’t negatively impact our job one day is something we want to believe, which ensures that narratives that support that line of thinking are popular — even if untrue."
If you're not keeping a close eye on AI development, you're going to get blindsided by this.
The thing is people have to have ears to hear and eyes to see...falls into being a remnant the 1% of the 1%...one of my favorite if not favorite bitcoin piece out there!
"The problem is that over a longer time horizon, money surpasses laws, so laws alone cannot solve trust. Laws change over time ensuring those with access to money, either re-write the laws or prevail in court. A reflection of the world we live in shows this unfortunate truth. Ie — Where money is most broken, rule of law breaks down!
The rule of law doesn’t protect citizens from the manipulation of money. It protects those closest to the manipulation."
This is a beautifully written, nuanced take from a brilliant author.
This article was re-published on Bitcoin Magazine: