I'm just speculating. That's why I picked this territory! It does make sense, though. Check out Politico's bias: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/politico/
Then read this article. It is clear that a great deal of time and resources were expended in what is a convincing expose.
Plan A- send Trump to prison. Plan B- switch out Biden at the last minute.
My conspiracy theory is that they're actually trying to lose to Trump, so that he gets stuck holding the bag when the economy crashes.
1000 percent correct
You understand American politics better than Americans
Only Don Cherry is better lol
3/4 of my household hold American passports and at some point we will buy a property in the US. Especially if Trudeau gets re-elected. So I like to keep track of what’s going on as best I can.
Texas Arizona or Florida
Don’t buy property in California
Property insurance is a mess in California
Plus Gavin is as bad as Justin.
Fortunately he is term limited.
He can’t read because of dyslexia
A special needs governor
We should ask your friend what Rachel Maddow thinks.
One of the best ways to tease a guy: you look like someone famous… Rachel Maddow!