In general, when we talk about scientific discoveries we are inclined to see the good ones. Yet, how about the worst or most harmful ones?
For me, one of the most harmful and dangerous scientific discoveries of all time is the usage of uranium and plutonium as fuel in the nuclear power industry, creating tens of thousands of nuclear weapons that can destroy the world once and forever.
The very fact that these nuclear weapons are in the hands of a few "powerful" people it's terrifying.
308 sats \ 0 replies \ @om 7 Jun
Not strictly speaking a discovery but still: Communism
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think alcohol is a big net negative for the society at large.
I know you can drink responsibly, I myself am an occasional drinker, but alcohol abuse along with its secondary effects (such as domestic violence) is a huge burden on society.
When was alcohol invented or concocted?
I think it was more discovered than invented, since it occurs naturally in rotting fruits.
People have been making fairly strong alcoholic beverages for over 10,000 years, though, if I'm remembering correctly.
Sounds about right
Native Americans and indigenous peoples in other parts of the world were introduced to alcohol recently relative to Europeans
Especially Navajo. Code talkers drink like the Irish ☘️
I think pretty much all human cultures had some version of wine, but distilled hard alcohol was a new experience for many peoples.
Thanks for being more specific and precise
Distilled hard alcohol
Nuclear energy certainly came to mind. I think nuclear power, is too valuable though. Then again, if there's ever a nuclear war, you'll be right.
I was thinking gain-of-function biological research. Throughout the pandemic I listened to several episodes of the Darkhorse Podcast that got into why the downside almost certainly outweighs the upside.
I'm really curious to see what answers other people give.
I think biological weapons are dangerous and very harmful, too!
I agree in fact I think biotech is extremely risky in general. For example I also have serious concerns about mRNA technology, gene therapies, CRISPR etc.
And yeah Darkhorse is a good starting point for thinking about this stuff too.
I can think of a few materials that started with good intentions but ended up being quite bad for us:
  • lead-based paint (development delays in children)
  • asbestos (cancer, etc)
  • CFCs (depletion of the ozone layer)
  • Thalidomide to treat morning sickness in pregnant women (birth defects in children)
  • Bisphenol A used in plastics (endocrine disruptor)
Makes me think that maybe one of the worst discoveries will turn out to be plastic. We only start to scratch the surface of the damaging effect microplastics are having on us and our children. It's a tricky one, as plastic is obviously also one of our best, or at least, most useful, inventions.
Makes me think that maybe one of the worst discoveries will turn out to be plastic.
Nah. Without plastics there's no way we'd have modern civilization.
A much better example is your example of asbestos, which we have been able to find alternates to for pretty much all usage. OTOH, maybe without asbestos, we wouldn't have been able to get an industrial civilization advanced enough to find those alternatives.
Asbestos prevents fires from spreading
People ignore the benefits of asbestos
Asbestos prevents fires from spreading
Actually that is true. There was recently fire on a country side for relatives at some older building around 3am in night, and it still had asbestos roof from Soviet era and people woke up then and be able to act only because of sound of it's blasting. Otherwise likely fire would have spread to even more buildings, some of which contained natural gas balons, then there were parked cars full of gasoline nearby, etc.
If it didn't kill you it'd be a miracle material.
The dangers of lead and asbestos have been exaggerated.
What’s worse than asbestos are the frivolous asbestos lawsuits in America that have no end date or statute of limitations
The invention of Fiat money.
I said credit cards 💳 lol
Dynamite: invented for mining used in war.
Maybe go further back and say gunpowder? It's probably hard to beat the invention of gunpowder in terms of harmfulness.
Without dynamite or similar explosives the mines that provided the minerals necessary for you to digitally write that comment probably would never have existed.
Dynamite 🧨 was necessary for building the Panama Canal and Hoover Dam
That's true but I thought we were talking about how harmful inventions were, not what their net weighted impact after comparing positives and negatives were
Thing is, if positives aren't included at all, the discovery of fire and invention of language are probably it: the most global harm ever came from them.
That's a good point to go further back but I'd argue that the difference if that the harm from gunpowder is more direct and more tangible
Oh, if you put that way, dynamite is probably the most dangerous discovery.
Nah, fire was! Or language...
13 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft OP 7 Jun
It's probably hard to beat the invention of gunpowder in terms of harmfulness.
I think nuclear and biological weapons beat gunpowder.
Not that many people have died from those yet. Horrible things, true that. But in the grand scheme of things ... maybe not that big.
223 sats \ 0 replies \ @travis 8 Jun
Gunpowder is an interesting one. Another perspective is that gunpowder empowers individuals or minorities. It can be an equalizer or amplifier of force usually unattainable. For example, a small and fragile person can have a chance to defend themself with a firearm, where as prior to firearms they would have to rely on others.
Alfred Nobel
158 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 7 Jun
This is really hard to answer because all discoveries give humans new powers and powers always have a dark side.
Ignoring the net benefit, I'd say oil. Mostly because it's the most powerful discovery we've made as evidenced by how much it changed our lives. It's probably given the most benefit and the most harm simply in terms of being a catalyst for nearly everything (good and bad) that followed.
I can't think of any discovery that doesn't have this duality and it's hard to measure net benefit. I wouldn't rid us of nuclear physics because we learned how to make bombs with it.
I was trying to think of net harm, because otherwise the answer will be something that's been enormously positive, like oil.
135 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 7 Jun
The is also complicated by present net harm sometimes being greater than future net harm. I'd guess bioengineering will be such a "discovery."
I agree. It’s a fun question to think about because it’s so difficult.
1858, Titusville Pennsylvania
This is really hard to answer
I know, but I was curious to know how Stackers would respond. Until now great answers and arguments.
Credit card 💳
Refined sugar. Highly addictive and the cause of the world wide diabetes issue.
118 sats \ 1 reply \ @IamSINGLE 7 Jun
lol no one said social media. make friendster great again.
Tetraethyllead: lead in petroleum gas Chlorofluorocarbons: ozone layer eroding chemicals
Both invented by one man, Thomas Midgley, Jr.
This maniac made us all lead poisoned for decades and at much greater risk of skin cancer for at least a few more decades. Lots of unnecessary death.
The Invention of 'State'.
Facebook? I dont think social media really helps society as a whole.
13 sats \ 1 reply \ @SatsMate 8 Jun
Hard drugs like meth, cocaine, heroin. These things ruin so many lives and I wish they were never discovered/created. Hoping for those addicted to recover.
Cocaine used to be an anesthetic and it was in coke cola
Shitcoins :)
Quite interesting! Do you consider the invention of shitcoins as one of the most harmful discoveries of all time? 🤔
Of course not, just kidding
Ah, ok.
10 sats \ 2 replies \ @Hamstr 8 Jun
If I put weed, I know i'll get crap. They say it's none addictive. But I don't believe this, I've met several individuals that can't function without a puff. It's fun to get high, but daily consumption can't be healthy. Not entirely the worst thing-- but i've met too many schizophrenia people who maybe smoked too much. it's supposed to be rare, It not.
I am not going to say it's top on my list. But I know a few people who always take weed before partying and movies, gets on my nerves somehow
nah don't let it get on your nerves. I just think somehow it creates a type of dependences(it is not supposed to) on the drug. This is not a culture I'd want a child or friend to be part of.
Similarly, to cigarettes, except now you're actually harming others through second hand.
I agree perfectly... it is the worst thing that could have happened with a scientific discovery... creating nuclear weapons and with that capacity and range is something that should never have happened... and that those people who have that decision or that capacity to use them and so on decide the fate of the world are so few and in addition to that their thinking is drastic and authoritarian... the truth is that it scares anyone and makes them cringe at the thought of knowing what will happen to humanity if the execution of some of those powerful weapons...
CRISPR and everything else pales in comparison...
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @cd 7 Jun
Tell me you hate goods reaching your town without telling me
That's a roundabout way of telling it
The splitting of the atom came to my mind too yes. And for the near future, Artificial Intelligence. Not the one we have now, but the one that will be soon, AGI. It will be biggest threat to humanity surpassing atomic bombs.
Discovery of dynamite. Coincidentally, peace prizes are being handed out in the name of the inventor of dynamite. (Alfred Nobel). I should have actually shared this on "Fun fact friday".
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @cd 7 Jun
"Silly rabbit, peace prizes are for war criminals"
President drone strike intensifies~~
Maybe it hasn't happened yet, but what about a weather machine?
Control the weather, control the world! This can be more harmful than any nuclear weapon.