
Welcome to this week’s newsletter. Thanks to everyone for the quality content that was posted. I guess the big news is that I will be reviving the Top 5 Posts Of The Week contest, but the awards will not be as generous. Here are the details:

Top 5 Posts Of The Week

There will be a zap award for the top 5 posts weekly. It will be broken down as follows:
  1. 1000 sats
  2. 250 sats
  3. 250 sats
  4. 250 sats
  5. 250 sats
Posts will be judged using SN zaprank. The cut off time is 9:00am EST (1300GMT) Friday morning. I will post the top 5 winners shortly after 9:00am every Friday morning.
We will still hold the new contest created and jointly sponsored by @Fabs. Here are the details. Participation has been sparse so far, but I’m hoping that will change.
  • As I mentioned over the past few weeks, I am starting to include some links from the Bitcoin Learning Resources page in this newsletter. I am going to begin with just a few:

Learning Resources

The White Paper

Everyone knows about the white paper, but have you read it? Here is the pdf.

DarthCoin’s Guides

DarthCoin is a somewhat controversial figure with a manner that may take some getting used to, but I think his guides are excellent as step by step instruction. The sentence structure might be unconventional, and he may express some strong opinions, but you will learn what he has set out to teach you. Here is a link to DarthCoin’s Substack Page, where you can find all of DarthCoin’s guides:

Radentor’s Guides

@Radentor posts some of the most comprehensive information a beginner could want. Here is a link to his posts. I expect more from him soon!

Top Posts Of All Time

Here you will find a few of the top posts that have been posted to this territory. I am not going to adhere to a rigid zaprank system, since my purpose is to highlight content that has educational value. I will use an informal combination of zaprank and my own evaluation. For instance, some posts, though of high quality, are solely about Stacker News, and might have more appropriately originated as a meta post.
But don’t you know that the provision of the rewards is more important than the rewards themselves?
Thanks for continuing to push great content all! We are all still very early here!
Thanks for your dedication to beginners!
Thanks! That's great news!
No matter how rewarding it is or it's not but I like this one more.
Thanks for your support for new beginners. This will definitely push great content.
Why instead use a splitting by % for the best 5? ie. assuming the prize budget is 2000:
  • 1: 30% = 600
  • 2: 25% = 500
  • 3: 20% = 400
  • 4: 15% = 300
  • 5: 10% = 200
Or there's any specific reason to provide 50% to the first and equally split the remaining along the remaining 4 (allocating 12.5% each)?
Good to know. This weekend I will explore the multisig topic further. I may have some beginner questions. I count on the help of the stackers.