Many legal scholars have criticized Roe for being a poorly conceived decision. Plus judicial activism. Plus federalism.
Today in California a woman can abort a pregnancy anytime. No restrictions on partial birth abortions.
this territory is moderated
Regardless of your moral position on abortion @Bell_curve is correct. Even legal scholars that support the right to abort have said this.
The solution to me is for each jurisdiction to decide this. This is not what I want but I think it is the only way in the current system. Which basically is what is happening. Now, we see conservatives seeking to ban it on a federal level.
Why? Because the incentives are for them to get money and votes. Roe being overturned removed a major issue that the red team has used for decades to get voters out and raise money.
When you pull your head out of the matrix you start to see that the incentives of politicians isn't to solve problems in a way that is most appealing to everyone. Its hard to believe but its true. They are incentivized to divide us. Pit us against one another. Its sick. Once they gain control they push even further. Then it blows back.
Few people understand that many European nations have far more restrictive abortion laws than many US states. Few people know that many nations we'd consider more liberal actually have more conservative laws in many areas. But we Americans never let ignorance get in the way of stating our positions.
13 week limitation in Europe
And it’s been this way for 100 years in Europe
No country debates abortion except for USA.
Regarding federal abortion policy, Democrats never pushed to nationalize abortion rights after Roe because they knew they didn’t have the votes
There is no popular support for a federal ban or restriction either