This ^^^ 100%
He broke the paradigm.
I would argue what is going on was inevitable though. If it wasn't Trump it would have been someone else. Not to say he isn't unique. I just don't believe there is any going back. I don't think the left realizes their part in creating this situation. Regardless of one's perception of reality a large number of Americans were/are dissatisfied in their leadership. They do not believe these clowns are fighting for them. They believe they are spineless. Trump for them is a change. I have learned this by watching him and talking to people that love him and also don't love him but believe he is necessary.
So why did he rise? The left has been pushing very hard my whole life against those that call themselves conservative. The conservatives have never really had someone that would go blow for blow with the left. Someone that didn't care what people said about him. This is the appeal of Trump from what I've seen. Warts and all that's it.
Its funny how people on the left don't get why the right supports Trump when they support the current president. I do not believe most people that voted for Biden actually think he's the best option. He's better than Trump. He has many problems.
As someone that is disengaged with the whole clown show it is kinda fascinating to watch the sociology at work. I see the US moving ever closer to dividing at the governmental level. Seems like neither side is blinking. I do not think they realize where it is heading.
What is interesting is that I actually think breaking up the US into smaller states is actually the only workable path forward. Take the current clowns out of the picture and it changes nothing. The divide has been there for at least the last 40 years. Its not going away. So to me the obvious best solution is to NOT use force. That will lead to bloodshed. Agree to disagree. Trade with each other but don't try to rule over the other half.
That's probably just to reasonable though.
this territory is moderated
Broke the paradigm, great phrase and insightful
The 2008 financial crisis was a turning point in USA politics. Many voters became more disaffected and changed the way they voted or stopped voting completely
I encourage more people not to vote.