Good info!
I’m wondering why you choose new nodes as they’re more likely to be shut down? Isn’t that a bad thing?
Also, doesn’t sending it to phoenix undo a lot of the CJ as they are seeing every LN TX?
I’m wondering why you choose new nodes as they’re more likely to be shut down? Isn’t that a bad thing?
I think what the OP is doing here is taking advantage of the fact that when a node is shut down permanently, payment information gets deleted. They're only keeping the channel open long enough to move all the funds in it, so the nodes staying up long term isn't needed.
Right now LND (and CLN?) does not delete old routing information. In fact, there doesn't seem to be any way to delete old routing info at all. This is a big privacy problem as that routing data could be doxxed later, eg by warrantless requests for data held on LN nodes running in the cloud.
IMO the fact that LND doesn't expire old routing info regularly is really sketchy. Any other privacy application wouldn't even keep such data at all.
Also, doesn’t sending it to phoenix undo a lot of the CJ as they are seeing every LN TX?
Nope. The OP is quite successfully preventing Phoenix from learning where his funds came from. Acinq is definitely not seeing every LN TX – they have no idea where funds are ultimately coming from even at the LN level, let alone when you add the coinjoin's to the mix.