TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome - it's a real thing. I know quite a few people who have it. Someone very close to me - a sweet, reasonable person, in my experience - apparently went on a rampage, actually knocking over chairs in her own house, when she found that Trump had won the election.
This is not rational. In my experience, it comes from constantly listening to CNN.
Hey, he didn't start a war. Unlike lots of his immediate predecessors. That's absolutely HUGE in my book.
this territory is moderated
absolutely. 💯
Yeah, I had friends that went mental too. I agree with you.
Women especially seem to despise Trump
It’s the opposite of Ruth Bader Ginsburg admiration
While I agree I know many that do not despise him.
I also know many people from very diverse backgrounds that love him. Its interesting when what I see with my eyes is the opposite of what I'm told.
From what I have seen it has more to do with where you live and what you value.
Btw Ruth Ginsburg was overrated. Her most important decision as a lower court judge was the Chevron doctrine, a terrible opinion that has grossly expanded the power of the administrative state
Good point
I oversimplified
Occupation seems to predict opinions of Trump. But occupation is also correlated with with values and location
For the people who hate Trump, will you vote for someone else or skip voting?