In 2016 I started reading about Trumps background to see what indications of criminality there might be. Watching documentaries, reading articles etc. Actually I couldn’t find that much.
I mean yeah he’s narcissistic, dishonest, idiotic at times. But he’s not as criminal as Biden, The Clinton’s, The Bush’s as far as I can see. When I looked at their backgrounds there was a lot more concerning things to sift through. So yeah I don’t get the TDS thing.
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Clinton body count
Yeah, when you look into all these families you see rats. I was pretty familiar with Trump prior to him running. I think he's terrible. Its just that no one really cared until he started moving into politics.
What makes him most different is that he doesn't hide or back peddle. It is revealing what his supporters and opposition value. Power. Power over morals. Power over truth. They will do whatever to get power. Both sides. But at the same time they deny this.