• Added as much to the national debt in 4 years as Obama did in 8.
  • Fomented an insurrection.
  • Refused to concede.
  • Shirked a bunch of long held traditions.
  • Got Roe overturned taking away women's rights.
  • Got in twitter fights with dictators.
  • Publicly took Putin's word over our own intelligence agencies.
  • Took classified documents, stored them insecurely, and refused to give them back.
  • Owes half a billion dollars for defaming a women he sexually assaulted.
  • Has been convicted on 34 felony counts by a jury of his peers.
this territory is moderated
Thanks. This is instructive :)
Biden voter
Can you explain the New York verdict?
Why is a misdemeanor elevated to a felony?
If you want to understand it go listen to that podcast I linked. I can't explain it. But it sounds like a very USSR type of trial. I say this as someone that doesn't support Trump.
I saw how unfairly Obama was treated by the right. Now I see how the left treats Trump. But Trump asks for it. What is mind blowing is how the left just can't help themselves.
This question was directed at the previous comment not OP but I appreciate your response.
For people who support the verdict, I want to hear them explain it. Similar to the civil case and 500 million dollars disgorgement.
My guess is they don't care. Just as many that support him do not care.