Video Description

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by Mises Institute Senior Editor Bill Anderson to discuss Donald Trump’s conviction. Bill explains the tortured logic of the case and its lasting significance for the regime.
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From a pure technical standpoint. I'm pretty sure most of the founding fathers were charged with treason against King George.
Because the founders were so familiar with the label of treason, is why they defined it narrowly in Art 3 Sec 3 of US Constitution:
Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”
(That is, it defines it as an active deed, not merely opinion, statement, or desire).
There's also an interesting interpretation that I think the founders would have been split on. Because it says "levying against them", a secessionist group would not be treasonous if the only war they were willing to fight was a defensive one.
True, and to a similar degree, we commonly call it the "Civil War" however that term implies 2 bodies fighting for control of a single state.
The US South wanted to break away, there was no "civil war"
You're preaching to the choir on that one.
I guess fort Sumter in South Carolina was federal property
Maybe I am confusing the name of the fort. My civil war trivia is rusty
The term convicted felon is loaded which is why the media will repeat this until November and possibly beyond.
Trump was not accused of murder or violence or theft.
Not all felons are equal
Tortured logic is an understatement