I neglected to mention some of the things that top my list of things that make a president especially evil.
  • War. Killing people including Americans.
  • Increasing the power of the state
  • Further infringing on human rights
  • Furthering the empire including the US dollar abroad
  • Supporting oppressive powers across the globe
Taking human life is the biggest for me personally. Call me crazy but that trumps everything else in my book. That used to be something progressives claimed cared about. After Obama and Biden it would appear they do not.
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Which past 🇺🇸 president (or politician, or World leader) meets your standards?
None of them honestly. But some are worse than others.
Reagan Eisenhower Trump before COVID Coolidge
I was not into politics when Reagan was president, but I like what I see about him today. He must have been a cool guy.
But Trump is even better!
Love it!
Reagan was weak on immigration.
1986 amnesty was a big mistake
In hindsight, yes.